Monday, March 19, 2012

Hopewell Furnace

On June 13,2011 Nick and I took a day trip adventure to The Hopewell Furnace and The Moonville Tunnel. Leaving Pickaway County Ohio we took St Rt 56 East through Laurelville and through South Bloomingsville. Hope you dont get car sick, 56 is a very windy road. We followed 56 til we got   to St Rt 278, then you are entering into to the Zaleski State Park area. Its about a 3000 acre park total. While driving down 278 the first place we come along to was  the Hopewell Furnace. There is a lot of history and ole folk lore that goes along with the furnace. The furnace was name Hopewell after the Adena Culture the Hopewell Indians. The furnace was in operation from 1854 to 1874. The Town of Hope came to life from the jobs the Hopewell Furnace created. The Furnace employeed 100 people that worked 12 hours a day and only made 65 cents a day. The Town of Hope flurished with homes, a church, one room school house, and a saloon.  The one room Hope School still stands today. After the closing of the furnace  in 1874 The Town of Hope slowly died; folks left to find new work.  Now all that is left of The Town of Hope is the Hopewell Furnance and the one room school house. While visiting the area we hiked the opposite side of the road from the furnace that was once The Town of Hope. Now its an over grown forest, its hard to believe that there once was a thriving Town of Hope. Old folk lore says the Hopewell Furnace is said to be haunted. It is said that on rainy nights a light can be seen at the top of the furnace and that human wispers can be heard. This is said to be a night watchman that fell into the furnace and burnt to death. However they have never been able to prove that happened or provide a name. While visiting the furnace neither myself or Nick experieced any paranomal activity. Once we got home from our day adventure I uploaded my pics to my computer and then to my facebook page. On  one of the pics, facebook seen a face in the trees and wanted me to tag it. Does that count as Paranormal Activity?

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